Search the Basement
Enter one or more search terms in the text box above.
Each term will be searched for individually, but results with more matched terms will rank higher in the results.
Results are displayed in several tabs:
- Appointees - Search term(s) matched one or more of these appointees' Name, Agency, Post Appointment Title, and/or Post Appointment Organization. The matching pieces of information are displayed below the appointees' names. This does not include matches from appointees' documents.
- Current Employers - Search terms matched post-appointment employers' names. This does not include matches from appointees' documents.
- Agencies - Search terms matched these agencies' Names.
- Organizations - Search terms matched these organizations' Names from within appointees' documents.
- Stocks, Bonds, and Other Transactions - Search terms matched a Name or Stock Symbol reported within the "transactions" sections of appointees' documents.