Asmeret Asefaw Berhe
Director, Office Of Science (Departed Administration)
Estimated Net Worth
- $291 K - $815 K
- Unknown
- 05/19/2022 - 03/28/2024
Departed Administration
- Yes
Post Appointment Title
- Professor of Soil Biochemical, and Falasco and Chair in Earth Sciences
Post Appointment Organization
- University of California - Merced
Indicates number of lines involving "Carbon Direct".
Financial Disclosure Details - OGE Form 278e (04/06/2021)
Positions Held Outside United States Government
# | Organization | City | Position | To |
2 | New York, New York | Consultant | Present |
Sources of Compensation Exceeding $5,000 in a Year
# | Source | City | Duties |
2 | New York, New York | Consultant for assessing feasibility of soil carbon projects. |
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