Courtney O'Donnell
Unesco - United States Permanent Representative To The United Nations Educational, Scientific, And Cultural Organization, With The Rank Of Ambassador
- Millionaire
Estimated Net Worth
- $12.2 M - $39.0 M
- Unknown
Financial Disclosure Details - OGE Form 278e (06/20/2023)
Positions Held Outside United States Government
# | Organization | City | Position | To |
3 | San Francisco, California | Director of Global Affairs and Strategic Partnerships | 6/2021 |
Employment Agreements and Arrangements
# | Employer Or Party | City | Status And Terms | Date |
1 | San Francisco, California | I will continue to participate in this defined contribution plan, but the plan sponsor no longer makes contributions. | 3/2014 |
Sources of Compensation Exceeding $5,000 in a Year
# | Source | City | Duties |
3 | San Francisco, California | Services as Corporate Executive |
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